Alexandros Washburn

Alexandros Washburn

Alexandros Washburn is industry professor and founding director of the Center for Coastal Resilience and Urban Xcellence (CRUX) at the Stevens Institute of Technology. He was formerly the chief urban designer of the New York City Department of City Planning under Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former public works advisor and chief architect for Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. He lives in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

The Nature of Urban Design

A New York Perspective on Resilience

The best cities become an ingrained part of their residents' identities.  Urban design is the key to this process, but all too often, citizens abandon it to professionals, unable to see a way to express what they love and value in their own neighborhoods. In this visually rich book, Alexandros Washburn, Chief Urban Designer of the New York Department of City Planning, redefines urban design. His book empowers urbanites and lays the foundations for a new approach to design that will help cities to prosper in an uncertain future.