Join Nature's Allies, our special group of donors contributing $1,000 or more annually.

Your donation makes a real impact, amplifying experts' voices and supporting practical solutions to environmental issues. Thank you for championing environmental solutions through your generous support. 


Members of Nature's Allies receive: 

  • exclusive invites to free events with book authors 

  • an annual Island Press book 

  • a printed copy of our annual Impact Report, highlighting the impacts you helped us achieve  


Join Nature's Allies with an online gift


Ways to Give 

We encourage you to give in the way that is most convenient to you! You can donate online using this link (link takes you to our Nature's Allies giving page, hosted by Classy). If you prefer to give by check to avoid fees, or through a donor advised fund to support philanthropy and gain tax benefits, simply indicate in the memo that the gift is intended for Nature's Allies. If you have questions, reach out to us at