Eliza Pennypacker

Eliza Pennypacker is a professor of landscape architecture at Penn State whose research and teaching about the roots and significance of middle class American landscape taste led her to realize that ecological landscapes must also function aesthetically if they are to be valued and sustained.  Pennypacker and coauthor Stuart Echols have taught and researched stormwater management and landscape aesthetics extensively, which has given rise to their work on the topic of "artful rainwater design" (ARD). This approach to stormwater management in landscapes as both utility and as amenity is consistently informed and expanded by their work with students at Penn State. 


Sustainable Cities Roundtable on Mercer Island

Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 12:00pm PDT
Stormwater runoff is the number one threat to water quality in the Puget Sound. Multiple jurisdictions, non-profits, and private organizations are actively working on innovative strategies to reduce this problem, which will continue to grow as population and development increase.

Artful Rainwater Design Presentation with AIA COTE Seattle

Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 5:00pm PDT
Join Committee on the Environment to discuss the book Artful Rainwater Design and address critical environmental issues, such as global warming, habitat restoration, solid waste reduction, and community planning.