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Julia M. Wondolleck

Julia M. Wondolleck is Associate Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy at the University of Michigan. She is an expert in the theories and application of dispute resolution and collaborative planning processes, and is the author or coauthor of three books: Public Lands Conflict and Resolution: Managing National Forest Disputes (Plenum 1988), Environmental Disputes: Community Involvement in Conflict Resolution (Island Press 1990), and Making Collaboration Work: Lessons from Innovation in Natural Resource Management (Island Press 2000). Raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, she spent her youth sailing on the Bay and hiking in the Sierra. As a result, her research interests span both terrestrial and marine realms, most recently examining collaborative science in the NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System, contributions of Sanctuary Advisory Councils in the NOAA National Marine Sanctuary Program, and community engagement strategies for the NOAA Marine Protected Areas Center. Dr. Wondolleck has an undergraduate degree in economics and environmental studies from the University of California–Davis and a master's degree and PhD in environmental policy and planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

Marine Ecosystem-Based Management in Practice

Marine Ecosystem-Based Management in Practice

Different Pathways, Common Lessons

Julia Wondolleck and Steven Yaffee are hopeful.  Rather than lamenting the persistent conflicts in global marine ecosystems, they instead sought out examples where managers were doing things differently and making progress against great odds. They interviewed planners, managers, community members, fishermen, and environmentalists throughout the world to find the best lessons for others hoping to advance marine conservation. Their surprising discovery?

Making Collaboration Work

Making Collaboration Work

Lessons From Innovation In Natural Resource Management

Across the United States, diverse groups are turning away from confrontation and toward collaboration in an attempt to tackle some of our nation's most intractable environmental problems. Government agencies, community groups, businesses, and private individuals have begun working together to solve common problems, resolve conflicts, and develop forward-thinking strategies for moving in a more sustainable direction.

Making Collaboration Work examines those promising efforts.

Environmental Disputes

Community Involvement In Conflict Resolution

Environmental Disputes helps citizen groups, businesses, and governments understand how Environmental Dispute Settlement--a set of procedures for settling disputes over environmental policies without litigation--can work for them.