Melissa Bruntlett | An Island Press Author

Melissa Bruntlett

Melissa Bruntlett is author of Building the Cycling City. She and her husband Chris Bruntlett are the co-founders of Modacity; a creative agency using words, photography, and film to inspire happier, healthier, simpler forms of mobility. Together, they work with a variety of organizations—including municipal governments, transportation agencies, non-profits, and corporate clients—to address the evolving needs of cities large and small, and enable a variety of mobility options as a way to create successful and more livable regions. They have garnered an international audience by sharing the stories of residents benefiting from these changes, and celebrating how designing streets for people makes them work better for everyone.
Melissa and Chris’ stories of emerging bike cultures from around the world have been featured in Momentum Magazine, Grist, Spacing Magazine, and the Huffington Post, as well as many local publications in their hometown of Vancouver. Best known as @modacitylife on social media, they continually challenge the auto-centric thinking that dominates the mainstream discourse, and present a compelling vision of a future where their two children (and countless others) can grow up enjoying the freedom of unlimited movement in a human-scale city.

More than a cycle lane: How investment in better walking and cycling networks improves accessibility for people with disabilities

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 3:00pm EDT
When planning for universal access design focus is often on technical guidelines, HOW to design more inclusive streets for people with disabilities. Perhaps less often discussed is understanding WHY investment in accessible public spaces is vital for their greater inclusion in daily life. Without this plans with good intentions can miss critical elements that may unintentionally hinder someone with mobility challenges.

Pedalling through Pandemic: How (E-)Cycling Can Keep Post-COVID Cities Moving

Thursday, July 16, 2020 - 1:00pm EDT
In a short time, the coronavirus crisis has forced communities worldwide to reevaluate their mobility networks, especially as public transportation faces reduced capacity for the foreseeable future. Enter the bicycle, which—in combination with an electric pedal assist—is filling a portion of the gap.

Unlocking Multimodality in N. America -- Using Bikes to Better Our Transit Systems

Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - 12:30pm EST
In recent years, some urban planners have begun to explore ways to unlock Dutch-style multimodality, hoping to utilize the bicycle as a tool to increase public-transit ridership and decrease car dependency. In fact, the case could be made that—with the right conditions—bikes are better placed to deal with the lower population densities and longer distances traveled in North America. 

Books & Bikes with the Bruntletts

Friday, November 23, 2018 - 6:00pm NZDT
The Bruntletts: Ride, presentation, and book signing, all in the one amazing night. "Around the world, countries marvel at the Netherland’s impressive cycling culture and infrastructure while an insidious “that would never work here” attitude prevents real change from happening. But the Dutch overcame many of the same challenges as other car-clogged countries, and their story is an important model for moving the rest of the world toward a more human-scale, bike-friendly future.