R. Bruce Hull | An Island Press author

R. Bruce Hull

R. Bruce Hull is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability at Virginia Tech, which provides graduate education and professional development opportunities for sustainability professionals working at the intersection of business, government, and civil society. He has authored and edited numerous publications, including two books, Infinite Nature (University of Chicago Press) and Restoring Nature (Island Press).

Wicked Leadership: Tackling Challenges of Sustainability in the Anthropocene

Tuesday, January 30, 2024 - 6:00pm EST
Climate change, water security, poverty, and a host of other sustainable development challenges are beyond complicated--they are “wicked”-- so our traditional problem-solving tools fall short, including technology, expertise, rationality, and authority. Wicked problems require strategies and skills that help us lead without authority, coordinate without every meeting or knowing one another, collaborate when we don’t agree, and continuously adapt to constant change in the face of extreme uncertainty.
Leadership for Sustainability | Island Press

Leadership for Sustainability: Strategies for Tackling Wicked Problems

Friday, March 5, 2021 - 1:00pm EST
Planning for today’s environmental and sustainability challenges requires more than expertise and technology. Effective solutions require that we engage with other people, wrestle with difficult questions, and learn how to adapt and make confident decisions despite uncertainty.

Strategies for System Change and Tackling Wicked Problems

Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 1:15pm EST
Solving today’s wicked sustainability challenges requires system change. But as the 2020 US election illustrated, the nation is so divided and dug in that we need new strategies for leadership. We can’t rely on elected officials, political parties, chief executives, or others in positional authority to lead the systems change we need.