Ray Tomalty

Ray Tomalty

Ray Tomalty is principal of Smart Cities Research Services, a research consultancy specializing in urban sustainability, including growth management, active transportation, green infrastructure, community energy planning, housing affordability, fiscal issues, and urban governance. He is the author of many research papers and policy reports prepared for federal, provincial, and municipal governments and the non-profit sector in Canada. He is an adjunct professor at McGill University's School of Urban Planning and sits on the editorial board of Alternatives Journal, Canada's foremost environmental magazine.

America's Urban Future

Lessons from North of the Border

The headlines about cities celebrating their resurgence—with empty nesters and Millennials alike investing in our urban areas, moving away from car dependence, and demanding walkable, transit-oriented neighborhoods. But, in reality, these changes are taking place in a scattered and piecemeal fashion. While areas of a handful of cities are booming, most US metros continue to follow old patterns of central city decline and suburban sprawl.