
The Promise Of Ecological Design

In the late sixties, as the world was waking to a need for Earth Day, a pioneering group founded a small non-profit research and education organization they called the New Alchemy Institute. Their aim was to explore the ways a safer and more...

224 pages
6 x 9
82 photos and illustrations

Sustaining Home And Community In A Global Age

Meaningful places offer a vital counterbalance to the forces of globalization and sameness that are overtaking our world, and are an essential element in the search for solutions to current sustainability challenges. In Native to Nowhere,...

408 pages
6 x 9

An Agenda For Action

Edited by Linda Glover and Sylvia Earle; Foreword by Graeme Kelleher

If humankind were given a mandate to do everything in our power to undermine the earth's functioning, we could hardly do a better job than we have in the past thirty years on the world's oceans, both by what we are putting into it-millions of...

250 pages
8 x 10

Sampling Rare or Elusive Species
Concepts, Designs, and Techniques for Estimating Population Parameters

Information regarding population status and abundance of rare species plays a key role in resource management decisions. Ideally, data should be collected using statistically sound sampling methods, but by their very nature, rare or elusive...

429 pages
6 x 9
58 illustrations

Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers, and Citizens

Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers, and Citizens introduces and explains key ecological concepts for planners, landscape architects, developers, and others involved in planning and building human habitats. The book is tailored to...

328 pages
7 x 10

Environmental Work For A Sustainable World

How can you make a real difference in the world and make a good living at the same time? The ECO Guide to Careers That Make a Difference: Environmental Work for a Sustainable World provides the answer. Developed by The Environmental...

320 pages
7 x 9

Edited by Diana H. Wall

Sustaining Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Soils and Sediments brings together the world's leading ecologists, systematists, and evolutionary biologists to present scientific information that integrates soil and sediment disciplines across...

275 pages
6 x 9

Tending Fire
Coping With America's Wildland Fires

The wildfires that spread across Southern California in the fall of 2003 were devastating in their scale-twenty-two deaths, thousands of homes destroyed and many more threatened, hundreds of thousands of acres burned. What had gone wrong? And why...

256 pages
6 x 9

The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources

The quality and availability of fresh water are of critical importance to human and ecosystem health. Given its central role in the functioning of all living systems, water is arguably the most important of all natural resources.


262 pages
8.5 x 11
