
How Cities are Moving Beyond Car-Based Planning

Cities will continue to accommodate the automobile, but when cities are built around them, the quality of human and natural life declines. Current trends show great promise for future urban mobility systems that enable freedom and connection, but...

320 pages
7 x 10
One 8-page color insert

Theory and Practice for Conserving Large, Complex Systems

From the days of the American Frontier, the term "open spaces" has evoked a vision of unspoiled landscapes stretching endlessly toward the horizon, of nature operating on its own terms without significant human interference. Ever since...

272 pages
6 x 9
59 photos and illustrations

Prepared for the 2013 National Climate Assessment and a landmark study in terms of its breadth and depth of coverage, Great Plains Regional Technical Input Report is the result of a collaboration among numerous local, state, federal, and...

224 pages
8 x 10
20 photos, 33 illustrations

As world population grows, and more people move to cities and suburbs, they place greater stress on the operating system of our whole planet. But urbanization and increasing densities also present our best opportunity for improving sustainability...

280 pages
8.5 x 10
Full color, 145 photos, 32 illustrations

The average parking space requires approximately 300 square feet of asphalt. That’s the size of a studio apartment in New York or enough room to hold 10 bicycles. Space devoted to parking in growing urban and suburban areas is highly...

256 pages
8.5 x 10
40 photos, 20 illustrations

Artful Rainwater Design
Creative Ways to Manage Stormwater

Stormwater management as art? Absolutely. Rain is a resource that should be valued and celebrated, not merely treated as an urban design problem—and yet, traditional stormwater treatment methods often range from ugly to forgettable. ...

296 pages
8 x 10
Full color, 220 photos

Confronting Hidden Threats to Sustainability

We think we understand environmental damage: pollution, water scarcity, a warming world. But these problems are just the tip of the iceberg. Food insecurity, financial assets drained of value by environmental damage, and a rapid rise in diseases...

184 pages
7 x 9.25
illustrations, tables, boxes

The Challenge of a Globalizing World

From the thinning of the Arctic sea ice to the invasion of the mosquito-borne West Nile virus, State of the World 2001 shows how the economic boom of the last decade has damaged natural systems. The increasingly visible evidence of...

280 pages
7 x 9.25

Building a Sustainable Economy

State of the World 2000 shines a sharp light on the great challenge our civilization faces: how to use our political systems to manage the difficult and complex relationships between the global economy and the Earth's ecosystems. If we...

268 pages
7 x 9.25
