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David Fridley

David Fridley is a staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), where he is deputy group leader of the China Energy Group. His work has involved extensive collaboration with China on end-use energy efficiency and modeling, industrial energy use, energy policy research, low-carbon city development, and energy supply assessment. He has published dozens of articles in peer-reviewed journals and authored chapters in three books. Prior to joining LBNL he was a consultant on downstream oil markets in the Asia-Pacific region and a business development manager for Caltex China. He is a Fellow of Post Carbon Institute.

Webinar: The Transition to Renewable Energy

Thursday, August 18, 2016 - 1:15pm EDT
The next few decades will see a profound energy transformation throughout the world. By the end of the century (and perhaps sooner), we will shift from fossil fuel dependence to rely primarily on renewable sources – solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal power. Driven by the need to avert catastrophic climate change and by the depletion of easily accessible oil, coal, and natural gas, this transformation will entail a major shift in how we live. What might a 100% renewable future look like? Which technologies will play a crucial role in our energy future?

Webinar: Consumerism After Fossil Fuels

Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 12:30pm PDT
Modern economies--and the lifestyles and livelihoods of many of their citizens-- rely heavily on consumerism. Consumerism, in turn, relies heavily on energy--mostly in the form of fossil fuels. So what will consumerism look like after fossil fuels? Join Annie Leonard and John de Graaf for a lively, free-flowing conversation about what the future of consumerism might look like in a 100% renewable energy future. More details here

Our Renewable Future Authors at SPUR

Thursday, June 2, 2016 - 6:00pm PDT
Several of the country’s leading energy analysts and environmental organizations have formulated plans for transitioning to 100% renewable energy. The fascinating new book, Our Renewable Future, gathers and assesses the viability of those plans. Join the book's authors leading scientists and thinkers in their own right, to explore the future of clean energy and how a fully renewable energy supply will shape our lives and economy.