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Deanna H. Olson

Deanna H. Olson is a research ecologist with the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station in Corvallis, Oregon. Dede’s work as an ecologist is devoted to sustainability of our natural heritage. Her work has encompassed every vertebrate class (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals), with a focus on amphibians. Her bachelor’s degree at University of California–San Diego intersected with the first Conservation Biology Conference there in 1978, helping to build the foundation for her passion for biodiversity conservation. In 1981, her PhD from the Department of Zoology at Oregon State University brought her to the Pacific Northwest, with its natural grandeur from the sea to the forests, mountains, and high deserts. In addition to her duties with the PNWRS, she also serves as courtesy faculty at Oregon State University and associate editor for Herpetological Review, and is past president of the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology and past co-chair of Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. 

People, Forests, and Change

Lessons from the Pacific Northwest

We owe much of our economic prosperity to the vast forested landscapes that cover the earth. The timber we use to build our homes, the water we drink, and the oxygen in the air we breathe come from the complex forested ecosystem that many of us take for granted. As urban boundaries expand and rural landscapes are developed, forests are under more pressure than ever. It is time to forgo the thinking that forests can be managed outside of human influence, and shift instead to management strategies that consider humans to be part of the forest ecosystem.