Elgin Cleckley | An Island Press author

Elgin Cleckley

Elgin Cleckley, NOMA, is an assistant professor of architecture at the University of Virginia with an appointment in the School of Education and Human Development and the School of Nursing. He is a designer and principal of _mpathic design, a design thinking pedagogy, initiative, and professional practice. After studying architecture at the University of Virginia (1993) and Princeton University (1995), he collaborated with DLR Group (Seattle), MRSA Architects (Chicago), and Baird Sampson Neuert Architects (Toronto) on award-winning civic projects. Before joining the University of Virginia’s design thinking program in 2016, he was the 3D Group Leader and Design Coordinator at the Ontario Science Centre (Toronto). This work produced the world’s first museum/design thinking architectural space, the Weston Family Innovation Centre. Cleckley is the recent winner of the 2020 ACSA Diversity Achievement Award, and the University of Virginia’s 2021 Alumni Board of Trustees Teaching Award. He is also the Design Director at the UVA Equity Center, and the NOMA Project Pipeline: Architecture Mentorship Program.

Empathic Design:  Perspectives on Creating Inclusive Spaces edited by Elgin Cleckley | An Island Press book

Community Engagement & Empathy: Designing for Change with Black Communities

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 - 2:00pm EST
Overview Join UVA’s Lifetime Learning and the School of Architecture to learn about the intersection of design and community engagement, supporting the untold stories of marginalized communities and the histories of our public spaces, especially in the American South. School of Architecture’s faculty experts will lead this discussion: C.L.