Esther Gonstalla | An Island Press author

Esther Gonstalla

An award-winning book and infographic designer, Esther Gonstalla is author of the “Our World in 50 Graphics” series and has worked for global NGOs such as Bread for the World, Friends of the Earth Germany, More Democracy, and Fair Oceans. In her books and design projects, Gonstalla translates often-complex scientific reports and statistics into modern and accessible illustrations. From mangrove forests to the Alps and the North Pole, her work introduces readers to fascinating ecosystems and their inhabitants, explains why these places are threatened, and shares ideas for saving them.

Atlas of a Threatened Planet: 150 Infographics to Help Anyone Save the World by Esther Gonstalla | An Island Press book

Atlas of a Threatened Planet

150 Infographics to Help Anyone Save the World

Our planet is a fascinating and complex place, but the challenges we face can seem overwhelming. How does our climate actually work? Should we worry about the global supply of drinking water? How much land do we need to grow food? And can technology help reverse the damage we’ve done? 

In Atlas of a Threatened Planet, award-winning book and graphic designer Esther Gonstalla digs into these questions and many more through her attractive and easy-to-understand infographics.