Philip Langdon | An Island Press Author

Philip Langdon

Philip Langdon was the editor for the New Urban News and a freelance journalist. His articles have been published in The Atlantic, American Heritage, Planning, Urban Land, Planning Commissioners Journal, Preservation, Governing, The American Enterprise, Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, Landscape Architecture, CityLab, and The New York Times

Philip Langdon with CNU DC

Monday, March 26, 2018 - 6:00pm EDT
CNUDC invites you to an evening lecture and networking event with author Philip Langdon. Langdon has been writing about urban issues for over 30 years. Topics range from Kentlands to McDonalds. Langdon's latest book, Within Walking Distance, looks at how buildings connect to the public realm; bicycling; public transportation; and incorporation of nature and parks into city or town life.