Ronnie Citron-Fink | An Island Press Author

Ronnie Citron-Fink

Ronnie Citron-Fink is the editorial director for the Environmental Defense Fund's Moms Clean Air Force, a national organization of over a million people uniting to protect children’s health by combating the urgent crisis of climate change.  

She is a contributor to A Glorious Freedom: On Being a Woman, Getting Older, and Living an Extraordinary Life (Chronicle Books, 2017), edited by Lisa Congdon.  

As a journalist, Ronnie has written, edited and published articles about the environment, health, politics, beauty, design, parenting and education for websites, books and magazines. Her articles have been published in InStyle, USA Today, and Huffington Post, among other publications. She is the founder of the blog, Econesting, and was recognized as one of the Top Ten Living Green Experts by Yahoo. 

Ronnie has a masters degree in education. She lives in the Hudson Valley of New York.