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Stephen B. Glass

Stephen B. Glass is Principal at The Restoration Ecology Lab. Formerly, he was Land Care Manager at University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum.

How to Girdle

An accompanying video for the book, Introduction to Restoration Ecology, the aim of this video is to illustrate a common mechanical technique used to manage certain pest trees. While the text describes the principle and the technique, it's always good to show someone actually doing the girdling to illustrate how easy it is. The is tied to two chapters (10 and 11).

Basal Bark Herbicide Application

An accompanying video for the book, Introduction to Restoration Ecology, this video explains what a basal bark herbicide application is, how to make it, and why it is efficient and effective for clonal tree species. This video is relevant to the discussion in chapter 10, The Management Plan, section 10.3 Vegetation Management Tools and chapter 11, The Role and Impact of Pest Species in Restoration.

Cut Stump

An accompanying video for the book, Introduction to Restoration Ecology, this video explains what a cut stump herbicide application is, when it should be used, and how to do it. This video is relevant to the discussion in chapter 10, The Management Plan, section 10.3 Vegetation Management Tools and chapter 11, The Role and Impact of Pest Species in Restoration.

Repeat Cutting

An accompanying video for the book, Introduction to Restoration Ecology, this video describes the repeated cutting method of pest species control, when it is appropriate and useful, and how to do it. This video is relevant to the discussion in chapter 10, The Management Plan, section 10.3

A Ring of Fire

An accompanying video for the book, Introduction to Restoration Ecology, this video is specifically related to Figure 10.5, A Ring Fire. This video illustrates how a ring fire is orchestrated by going through an actual fire, step-by-step. The video builds upon the discussion of tools found in Chapter 10, The Management Plan.