“We invest in conservation because it is our expression of our faith in the future.”
—James N. Levitt
According to recent projections, we have
$51.8 billion annually for global conservation efforts, but the need is closer to $300-400 billion. This means that even if all government and philanthropic support for conservation doubled, we would still have a shortfall of
$200-300 billion each year.

Jim Levitt’s
From Walden to Wall Street: Frontiers of Conservation Finance reads like a rallying cry for creative solutions that can help to fill this gap. With the support of a dozen or so contributing authors, this book makes the case that market-based tools are our greatest ally in bridging the gap between the conservation funding we have vs. conservation funding we need.
As the program director for the
Conservation Finance Network (CFN) based here at Island Press, this is the challenge that I deal with on a daily basis. CFN is a new program at Island Press that stems from the rich publishing history of conservation finance titles such as Story Clark’s
A Field Guide to Conservation Finance and Mike McQueen and Edward McMahon’s
Land Conservation Financing. Our objective is to expand the use of innovative funding and financing strategies for land and resource conservation, restoration, and stewardship. By sponsoring intensive trainings and supporting a growing network of public, private, and nonprofit professionals, CFN helps to increase the financial resources deployed for conservation.
Through this program, I have the privilege of working with the pioneering professionals and organizations referenced in
From Walden to Wall Street. I continue to learn from the creativity of their case studies, and draw inspiration from the entrepreneurial approach they bring to conservation. This book captures their optimism and momentum. It gives me hope that conservation finance can help us meet our funding challenges and grow the financial support for land and resource conservation.
From Walden to Wall Street and all our other hardcover and paperback books are on sale for 50-70% off through today, September 30.