
A Challenge To Ecology And Ethics

The present rate and extent of species extinction -- estimated by some scientists as one species every 20 minutes -- are unprecedented in the history of mankind. Human activities are responsible for nearly all species loss, yet ethical aspects...

424 pages
6 x 9

Rivers for Life
Managing Water For People And Nature

The conventional approach to river protection has focused on water quality and maintaining some "minimum" flow that was thought necessary to ensure the viability of a river. In recent years, however, scientific research has underscored...

220 pages
6 x 9
38 photos and illustrations

Reconstructing Conservation
Finding Common Ground

In the 1990s, influenced by the deconstructionist movement in literary theory and trends toward revisionist history, a cadre of academics and historians led by William Cronon began raising provocative questions about ideas of wilderness and the...

432 pages
6 x 9

Ecology And Management Of Savanna Heterogeneity

Kruger National Park in South Africa has one of the most extensive sets of records of any protected area in the world, and throughout its history has supported connections between science and management. In recognition of that long-standing...

536 pages
6 x 9

The American Environmental Movement

In A Fierce Green Fire, renowned environmental journalist Philip Shabecoff presents the definitive history of American environmentalism from the earliest days of the republic to the present. He offers a sweeping overview of the...

352 pages
6 x 9

West Nile Virus—Mad Cow Disease—HIV/AIDS—Hantavirus—Lyme Disease ... and a new strain of Salmonella. Such modern epidemics have emerged over the past few decades as mysterious, yet significant risks to human health. These...

224 pages
5.5 x 8.25

Coordinating A Conservation System Through Law

The National Wildlife Refuges provides a comprehensive examination of the laws and policies governing management of the national wildlife refuges, offering for the first time a practical description and analysis of the management regime...

296 pages
6 x 9

How to Create Lasting Value through Social and Environmental Performance

The Sustainable Company shows how to create value for shareholders while balancing responsibilities to society and the environment. Its step-by-step approach and tool-kit for managers make this book the solutions manual for the twenty-...

232 pages
6 x 9

Ecosystems and Human Well-Being
A Framework For Assessment

Ecosystems and Human Well-being is the first product of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA), a four-year international work program designed to meet the needs of decision-makers for scientific information on the links between ecosystem...

212 pages
6 x 9
