
Policies for a Sustainable Future

The transformation from a carbon-based world economy to one based on high efficiency and renewables is a necessary step if human society is to achieve sustainability. But while scientists and researchers have made significant advances in energy...

256 pages
6 x 9

Strategies to Feed the World and Save Wild Biodiversity

Future Harvest, Jeffrey A. McNeely, and Sara J. Scherr

Although food-production systems for the world's rural poor typically have had devastating effects on the planet's wealth of genes, species, and ecosystems, that need not be the case in the future. In Ecoagriculture, two of the world's...

352 pages
6 x 9

Following Nature's Lead

Human ecology is an emerging discipline that studies the interrelationships between humans and their environment, drawing on insights from biology, sociology, anthropology, geography, engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, planning,...

256 pages
6 x 9

The Hidden Luddite Tradition in Literature, Art, and Individual Lives

From the cars we drive to the instant messages we receive, from debate about genetically modified foods to astonishing strides in cloning, robotics, and nanotechnology, it would be hard to deny technology's powerful grip on our lives. To stop...

240 pages
6 x 9

Scientists and researchers concerned with the behavior of large ecosystems have focused in recent years on the concept of "resilience." Traditional perspectives held that ecological systems exist close to a steady state and resilience is the...

240 pages
6 x 9

Concepts And Cases

Despite a vast amount of effort and expertise devoted to them, many environmental conflicts have remained mired in controversy, stubbornly defying resolution. Why can some environmental problems be resolved in one locale but remain contentious...

296 pages
6 x 9

Brute Force Technology and the Transformation of the Natural World

The construction of the Three Gorges Dam on China's Yangtze River. The transformation of the Amazon into a site for huge cattle ranches and aluminum smelters. The development of Nevada's Yucca Mountain into a repository for nuclear waste. The...

276 pages
6 x 9

Adaptive, Community-Based Conservation

Today's natural resource managers must be able to navigate among the complicated interactions and conflicting interests of diverse stakeholders and decisionmakers. Technical and scientific knowledge, though necessary, are not sufficient....

336 pages
8 x 10

Blueprint for a New Environmentalism

Allen Hershkowitz; Foreword by Maya Lin

"The Bronx Community Paper Company teaches us that we have the power, if we muster the will, creativity, and cooperation, to recover lost pieces of America's environment, return them to good health, protect other lands and resources from being...

200 pages
6 x 9
