Books & Bikes with the Bruntletts
The Bruntletts: Ride, presentation, and book signing, all in the one amazing night.
"Around the world, countries marvel at the Netherland’s impressive cycling culture and infrastructure while an insidious “that would never work here” attitude prevents real change from happening. But the Dutch overcame many of the same challenges as other car-clogged countries, and their story is an important model for moving the rest of the world toward a more human-scale, bike-friendly future.
In Building the Cycling City: The Dutch Blueprint for Urban Vitality, Melissa Bruntlett and Chris Bruntlett share the triumphs and challenges of the Dutch cycling story, show how some of the ideas are already being adopted in global cities, and draw out concrete lessons for other places to follow their lead."
Come join us on the 23rd of November for another wonderful and intimate evening with Women in Ubanism, and our special guests, Melissa and Chris, as they launch their new book in Aotearoa.
The night will start off with a short ride around the city with Melissa and Chris, you do not need tickets for this part of the evening. Simply join us at Peach Pit, on Auckland's Karangahape Road from 5pm with your bike to come on a safe and guided city jaunt, pre-event. You will need tickets to come to the book talk and signing, and as usual these are limited, so get in quick!
Brought to you by: Women in Urbanism, Frocks on Bikes, and the Auckland Design Office.