Food from the Radical Center by Gary Paul Nabhan | An Island Press book

Borderlands Restoration Network presents an evening with Gary Nabhan

Saturday, 29 September 2018 - 5:30pm
Mission Garden
946 W Mission Ln
Tucson, AZ 85745
United States

Borderlands Restoration Network presents an evening with Gary Nabhan, author of Food from the Radical Center: Healing our Land and Communities.

Followed by FOOD · DRINKS · MUSIC under the Tucson Evening Sky
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 5:30–7:30 P.M.
Mission Garden
946 W Mission Ln, Tucson, AZ 85745

Suggested Donation $20 at the door
R.S.V.P. requested by September 24th: or (520) 216 – 4148

Join Borderlands Restoration Network, a nonprofit located in Patagonia, AZ dedicated to building a regional restoration-based economy in the Arizona – Sonora borderlands, for an evening with author and famed ethnobiologist, Gary Nabhan.  Copies of his newly released book Food from the Radical Center: Healing Our Lands & Communities will be available for purchase and signing.