Jessica Catto Dialogue with Jason Mark
Environmental journalist Jason Mark will present a Jessica Catto Dialogue at the Hotel Jerome in Aspen on Tuesday, June 21st. In the free lecture, entitled "Where in the Wild," Jason will discuss whether there is anything remaining that is still really, truly wild in the twenty-first century. He will explore how to hold onto wildness as a touchstone for our relationship with the rest of nature.
Jason recently took the helm of Sierra Magazine as the new Editor in Chief and is the former long-time Editor of Earth Island Journal, a quarterly magazine that covers the global environment. His writings have appeared in The New York Times, The Nation, Salon, Scientific American, and The Atlantic, among other publications. His latest book, Satellites in the High Country: Searching for the Wild in the Age of Man, was published by Island Books in October 2015 to high acclaim.
This lecture will be broadcast on Aspen Public Radio through the generosity of the John Denver Aspenglow Fund. More details here.