Litquake: Braving the Elements
Friday, 14 October 2016 - 7:00pm
The Lafayette Library
3491 Mt. Diablo Boulevard
Lafayette, CA 94549
United States Jason Mark, editor of Sierra Magazine, and the author of Satellites in the High Country, and Nathanael Johnson, author of Unseen City:: The Majesty of Pigeons, the Discreet Charm of Snails, and Other Wonders of the Urban Wildernessview nature from different perspectives, but they both tackle the same question – How do we value nature?
Join their lively conversation as they discuss their books, and, take a closer look at how we can make space for nature; opening our eyes and hearts to the beauty of nature across the spectrum, from sidewalk weeds to arctic caribou herds.
No matter where we live-city, country, oceanside, or mountains-there are wonders that we walk past everyday.
More information here.