Smart Growth Network Webinar -- The Top Five Missing Middle Housing Implementation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Major housing shortages continue to plague areas in the US and abroad. Many well-intended planning efforts to address these demands are falling short to deliver on high-quality results. Units are being crammed onto lots in unattractive ways, failing to deliver attainability, and yet claiming the Missing Middle phrase to capitalize on its growing popularity.
In response, Daniel Parolek, author of Missing Middle Housing: Thinking Big and Building Small to Respond to today’s Housing Crisis, has shifted his focus to clearly identifying the mistakes he sees, explaining why they are a problem, and proposing attainable solutions. In this presentation, Daniel will give attendees the understanding and knowledge to successfully avoid the top five Missing Middle Housing challenges. Architects and planners across both cities and regions will gain solutions they can use for building more successful housing options.
Participants of the live webinar are eligible for 1.5 AICP CM and 1.5 AIA HSW LU self-reported credits.