In Landscape Linkages and Biodiversity experts explain biological diversity conservation, focusing on the need for protecting large areas of the most diverse ecosystems, and connecting those ecosystems with land corridors to allow species to move among them more easily.
About Defenders of Wildlife
Editor's Preface
PART I. Conserving Biodiversity: A Unified Approach
Chapter 1. Gap Analysis: Assessing Protection Needs
Chapter 2. Landscape Connectivity: Different Functions at Different Scales
Chapter 3. Conservation of Biodiversity on Western Rangelands
Chapter 4. Roles and Approaches of the USDA Forest Service
Chapter 5. Landscape Protection and the Nature Conservancy
PART II. Conservation Corridors: Countering Habitat Fragmentation
Chapter 6. Theory and Strategy
Chapter 7. The Klamath Corridors: Preserving Biodiversity in the Klamath National Forest
Chapter 8. Faunal Movement Corridors in Florida
PART III. Reintegrating Humans and Nature
Chapter 9. Landscape Ecology
Chapter 10. Greenways and Biodiversity
About the Contributors