
Get to know Bikemore
By Jason Leppig / On May 10th, 2021
Bikemore believes in building a city designed for face-to-face interactions, serendipity, mobility, and sustainability. A city designed for people. All people. In a city where isolation and segregation define the past and present, Bikemore believes it’s time for connection to define our future.
Webinar: Pedaling Through Pandemic: How (E-)Cycling Can Keep Post-COVID Cities Moving
In a short time, the coronavirus crisis has forced communities worldwide to reevaluate their mobility networks, especially as public transportation faces reduced capacity for the foreseeable future.
Enter the bicycle, which—in combination with an electric pedal assist—is filling a portion of the gap.

#ForewordFriday: Not Sport. Transport.
By Katharine Sucher / On September 21st, 2018
Around the world, countries marvel at the Netherland’s impressive cycling culture and infrastructure while an insidious “that would never work here” attitude prevents real change from happening. But the Dutch overcame many of the same challenges as other car-clogged countries, and their story is an important model for moving the rest of the world toward a more human-scale, bike-friendly future.

Alabama to Wyoming: WABA's 50 States Ride
By Katharine Sucher / On September 13th, 2018
Last weekend, Island Press brought Melissa Bruntlett and Chris Bruntlett, authors of Building the Cycling City: The Dutch Blueprint for Urban Vitality, to Washington, DC for Washington Area Bicycle Association's annual 50 States Ride.
Webinar: Roads were not Built for Cars
Biking has a long and winding history, with modern bikes coinciding directly with the advent of modern cars and our modern roads system. In this fascinating webinar learn about the history of biking from author of Bike Boom and Roads Were Not Built For Cars, Carlton Reid.
Cities, Bikes, & Things
Learn how to involve the community to ensure cities provide avenues for a variety of urban transportation enthusiasts. Join Island Press and The Security and Sustainability Forum as we continue to celebrate Bike Month with this free session featuring authors Carlton Reid and Mike Lydon and moderated by Corrine Kissner from the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO).

Bike Month Sweepstakes Week Five: Utah
By Mikael Colville-Andersen / On May 28th, 2018
This week we are spotlighting Utah as a place to look to for bicycle urbanism. Mikael Colville-Andersen, author of Copenhagenize and CEO of Copenhagenize Design Company, looks at Salt Lake City, Utah as one of his five favorite cities in America for bicycle infrastructure.