
Break Up the Transportation Monopoly

It’s time to break up the automotive monopoly on transportation, and let cleaner, healthier, less expensive technologies take us where we need to go.

Evolve or Perish: Lessons from Peabody Energy

On its way to bankruptcy, Peabody, along with four other major U.S. coal producers spent nearly $100 million over the last ten years on political lobbying to help protect federal tax-funded fossil fuel subsidies.

Deceived: VW's Emissions Scandal

What happens when a company misleads consumers and intentionally pollutes the environment? We asked some of our authors to comment on the recent Volkswagen emissions scandal. Check out what they had to say below and share your own thoughts in the comments.

Tackling the “Wicked Problem” of Urban Street Planning

The Island Press Urban Resilience Project, supported by the Kresge Foundation, is working to promote a holistic understanding of resilience that is grounded in equity and sustainability. This post, by Ben Plowden, was originally published at
Photo credit: Shutterstock

Travels Across the Pond

After two years at home, sitting in a darkened room trying to make sense of research notes, wrestling slippery arguments into a book, I took the show on the road, spending half of April travelling around the US. It felt great to be out in the open, breathing in crisp spring air, talking to strangers. (Thankfully, my ability to converse with real live people had not been lost during my exile.)
