
Photo Credit: Rockaway Youth on Banner by user Light Brigading

Cutting Back: IP Authors Reflect On Their Carbon Footprints

With the end of COP 21 and the signing of the historic Paris Agreement, it’s not just countries that are thinking about how to reduce emissions—individuals are reflecting on how their habits and actions impact climate change as well. Island Press authors shared what they’re doing to reduce their carbon footprints and, in some cases, what more they could be doing. Check out their answers and share your own carbon cutbacks—or vices—in the comments. 
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On Interning at Island Press: Corpse Flowers and Mythical Creatures

In this installment Web and Social Media Intern Jennifer Chow discusses how the summer's biggest trends helped her promote Island Press' media pages. Summer 2013 will always be remembered as the summer of the blooming Corpse Flower in the Smithsonian Botanical Gardens, the rumors of the extinct Megalodon, and days at Island Press filled with Tweets about breaking environmental news. All of this laid the perfect platform for witty tweets and Facebook and our Island Press Field Notes blog headlines. Being Island Press’ Web and Social Media interns entails creating the
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On Interning at Island Press: Psychics and Pizza

In this installment Editorial Intern Paulina Kosturos depicts how years of interviews interviews prepared her for her passion for storytelling. As a student in journalism, I am constantly challenged to find unique and interesting untold stories. From interviewing a local psychic about her “powers” to asking Doris Buffett about her contributions to Mary Washington’s Philanthropy class project, I’ve learned the importance of conveying narratives people want to read. Reviewing manuscript proposals is no different.
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On Interning at Island Press: More than Coffee

Publicity Intern Kate Denardi illustrates how working at Island Press is beyond copies and coffee runs.  During my first year of graduate school I studied theory, theory, and more theory. By the end of the year I was craving application. I wanted to write press releases, make media lists, and start experiencing the world of PR rather then reading about it in journal articles and textbooks. So, I began my search for a summer internship. Everywhere I looked was an internship full of grunt work; coffee runs, making copies, and staring blankly at a computer screen.
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It Is a Matter of Scale or What is the Connection between Brain Size and Sprawl

Scale is fundamental to urban design. If you get it right, and achieve a well-proportioned space between buildings, you have a sound basis to build upon. Even if the architecture is far from perfect, the public realm you create can be decent and comfortable. If you get the scale wrong and your master plan is built, even the most lustrous architecture won’t remediate the failure of space-making; people might still use it for utilitarian reasons (think the parking lot of a Wal-Mart), but will not enjoy it. Getting the urban scale right has been the mantra of planners and architects for ages.
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Reduced or Not, the Mortgage Interest Deduction Can Help Fix Sprawl

As of late, the mortgage interest deduction (MID), a tax break many Americans have become accustomed to, has become the focus of much debate and controversy. It first became the subject of heated discussion when President Obama’s debt commission suggested its reduction. They argued that in addition to reducing deficits, such reform could also help slow the growth of sprawl.
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Seeking Sustainability, One Shrimp at a Time

Students at Pace University have produced this mini-documentary on sustainable shrimp farming. It tells the story of Linda Thornton, an aquaculture entrepreneur pushing the frontiers of sustainable shrimp farming in Belize. This is a great example of the action needed to raise awareness of the importance of mangroves, a delicate ecosystem at risk thanks to unsustainable shrimp farming and heedless coastal development in many areas of the world, including Belize.
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Bird Survey Suggests If You Plant It, They Will Come

The results of last month's annual Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge Bird Survey indicate that birds may colonize reforested areas much faster than experts had predicted. This year's surveyors spotted all five of the common native forest birds and four endangered forest birds within sections of the refuge that two short decades ago had been treeless areas dominated by non-native plants and animals.
