national parks

Our National Parks Might Become a Gated Community

PHOTO BY KELLYVANDELLEN/ISTOCK Secretary Zinke’s proposal to increase entry fees could make parks an exclusive playground The mission of America’s national parks seems pretty clear.
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Dispatches from the National Parks: Shutdown

Dispatches from the National Parks, is a periodic blog by Robert B. Keiter, author of To Conserve Unimpaired: The Evolution of the National Park Idea More than a week has now passed since the national parks were closed, victims of a bitter and protracted political stalemate in Congress. Although nearly all sectors of American society have been hit by the government shutdown, the closure of the national parks stands out in news reports and other accounts of the impact the shutdown is having.
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Dispatches from the National Parks: Grand Canyon

Dispatches from the National Parks, is a periodic blog by Robert B. Keiter, author of To Conserve Unimpaired: The Evolution of the National Park Idea Standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon, the scene is as breathtaking as ever, seemingly unmarred by the trappings of modern civilization. The immense chasm is lined by burnt orange cliffs alight from the descending late afternoon sun, and its blue-grey rock slopes are dappled in shadows as the afternoon begins to fade toward evening.
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Island Press Staff Picks

This week’s pick is from Lauren Koshere: “How’s the Park lookin’ these days,” asks a gravelly voice on the other end of the telephone line, “after they let those fires ruin the place?” As a reservations agent for in Yellowstone National Park, I answer hundreds of questions a day. But few guests’ questions refer to the Yellowstone fires of 1988. Fewer still reflect such disapproval about the management of those fires. “The Park is as beautiful as ever—lots of regrowth and stands of young trees,” I say.