The Short-form Program seeks to expand Americans’ understanding of climate change and other crucial environmental challenges, and to lift up solutions that are sustainable and equitable. Among our activities, we collaborate with frontline activists, urban planners, scientists and others to generate high-quality articles and op-eds. We then place that content in a wide variety of media outlets, including prominent national publications, local and regional newspapers, and specialty publications read by those who can put ideas into action.

A key strategy is to elevate the concerns, perspectives and approaches of those who may be neglected by mainstream coverage of environmental issues – low-income communities and communities of color. We provide editorial and other support to amplify voices from those communities and encourage their inclusion in decision making at all levels.

The Short-form Program is an initiative of Island Press, a nonprofit book publisher that shapes and communicates ideas for a fairer, greener future. With over 1,000 titles in print and some 30 new releases each year, Island Press is the nation’s leading publisher on environmental issues.


Island Press relies on both revenue from book sales and philanthropic funding to achieve its mission. The Short-form Program was launched with, and continues to rely on, foundation grants. It does not charge authors or media partners for its products or services.

To protect the quality and integrity of our journalistic content, the Short-form Program maintains strict editorial independence. We accept donations, grants and sponsorships from individuals, organizations and foundations to help with our general operations, coverage of specific topics, and special projects. We may produce content in partnership with our donors’ other grantees, if those organizations’ work is relevant to our mission. But we do not give donors the authority to assign, review or edit content. Acceptance of financial support does not constitute implied or actual endorsement of funders or their opinions.


The Short-form Program strives to produce content that is accurate, fair, and independent. To the best of our ability, our articles and op-eds will be truthful, transparent and respectful; our facts will be correct, complete and fairly presented. Our analysis will represent our best independent judgment, informed by the values embedded in our mission.

Some language in this Code of Ethics is drawn, with modifications, from nonprofit news organizations and professional organizations including the Institute for Nonprofit News and the Marshall Project.