This week, join New York City's Chief Urban Designer, Alexandros Washburn, as he rides out Hurricane Sandy from his apartment in Red Hook, Brooklyn. In his new lavishly illustrated book, The Nature of Urban Design, Alexandros draws heavily on his experience within the New York City planning system while highlighting forward-thinking developments in cities around the world. He grounds his book in the realities of political and financial challenges that hasten or hinder even the most beautiful designs. By discussing projects like the High Line and the Harlem Children’s Zone as well as examples from Seoul to Singapore, he explores the nuances of the urban design process while emphasizing the importance of individuals with the drive to make a difference in their city.
"Mr. Washburn takes lay people on an illustrated and highly accessible tour of urban planning, from the High Line to the subway system, which, he explains, emits little more in greenhouse gases than the city’s streetlights." —The New York Times
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