Chapter 1. Introduction \ Walter V. Reid, Fikret Berkes, Thomas J. Wilbanks, and Doris Capistrano
PART I. Bridging Scales
Chapter 2. How Scale Matters: Some Concepts and Findings \ Thomas J. Wilbanks
Chapter 3. The Politics of Scale in Environmental Assessments \ Louis Lebel
Chapter 4. Assessing Ecosystem Services at Different Scales in the Portugal Millennium Ecosystem Assessment \ Henrique M. Pereira, Tiago Domingos, and Luís Vicente
Chapter 5. A Synthesis of Data and Methods across Scales to Connect Local Policy Decisions to Regional Environmental Conditions:
The Case of the Cascadia Scorecard \ Chris Davis
Chapter 6. Scales of Governance in Carbon Sinks: Global Priorities and Local Realities \ Emily Boyd
PART II. Bridging Knowledge Systems
Chapter 7. What Counts as Local Knowledge in Global Environmental Assessments and Conventions? \ J. Peter Brosius
Chapter 8. Bridging the Gap or Crossing a Bridge? Indigenous Knowledge and the Language of Law and Policy \ Michael Davis
Chapter 9. Mobilizing Knowledge for Integrated Ecosystem Assessments \ Christo Fabricius, Robert Scholes, and Georgina Cundill
PART III. Case Studies
Chapter 10. Keep It Simple and Be Relevant:
The First Ten Years of the Arctic Borderlands Ecological Knowledge Co-op \ Joan Eamer
Chapter 11. Cosmovisions and Environmental Governance: The Case of In Situ Conservation of Native Cultivated Plants and Their Wild Relatives in Peru \ Jorge Ishizawa
Chapter 12. Harmonizing Traditional and Scientific Knowledge Systems in Rainfall Prediction and Utilization \ Rengalakshmi Raj
Chapter 13. Managing People's Knowledge: An Indian Case Study of Building Bridges from Local to Global and from Oral to Scientific Knowledge \ Yogesh Gokhale, Madhav Gadgil, Anil Gupta, Riya Sinha, and K. P. (Prabha) Achar
Chapter 14. Barriers to Local-level Ecosystem Assessment and Participatory Management in Brazil \ Cristiana S. Seixas
Chapter 15. Integrating Epistemologies through Scenarios \ Elena Bennett and Monika Zurek
PART IV. Synthesis
Chapter 16. The Politics of Bridging Scales and Epistemologies: Science and Democracy in Global Environmental Governance \ Clark Miller and Paul Erickson
Chapter 17. Conclusions: Bridging Scales and Knowledge Systems \ Fikret Berkes, Walter V. Reid, Thomas J. Wilbanks, and Doris Capistrano
List of Authors