
The Social and Ethical Aspects of Agricultural Biotechnology

Edited by Marc Lappe and Britt Bailey

Engineering the Farm offers a wide-ranging examination of the social and ethical issues surrounding the production and consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), with leading thinkers and activists taking a broad theoretical...

200 pages
6 x 9

Techniques for Habitat Analysis and Animal Monitoring

Michael L. Morrison; Foreword by Paul R. Krausman

Wildlife Restoration links restoration ecology and wildlife management in an accessible and comprehensive guide to restoring wildlife and the habitats upon which they depend. It offers readers a thorough overview of the types of...

215 pages
6 x 9

Science, Policy, and the Pursuit of Sustainability

In the early 2000s, energy prices have fluctuated wildly, from historic highs in the winter and spring of 2001 to the lowest wholesale prices in decades a few short months later. As the largest user of fossil-fuel energy, the United States is...

208 pages
6 x 9

Disaster or Renewal?

Shaped by fire for thousands of years, the forests of the western United States are as adapted to periodic fires as they are to the region's soils and climate. Our widespread practice of ignoring the vital role of fire is costly in both...

248 pages
6 x 9

The Growing Threat Of Species Invasions

The human love of novelty and desire to make one place look like another, coupled with massive increases in global trade and transport, are creating a growing economic and ecological threat. The same forces that are rapidly "McDonaldizing" the...

330 pages
6 x 9

Strategies for Preserving Tropical Nature

Most scientists and researchers working in tropical areas are convinced that parks and protected areas are the only real hope for saving land and biodiversity in those regions. Rather than giving up on parks that are foundering, ways must be...

511 pages
6 x 9

The Quest to Make Conservation Profitable

Why shouldn't people who deplete our natural assets have to pay, and those who protect them reap profits? Conservation-minded entrepreneurs and others around the world are beginning to ask just that question, as the increasing scarcity of...

250 pages
6 x 9

Roads and Motorized Recreation on America's Public Lands

While many of the roads on public lands provide a great service with relatively little harm, others create significant problems -- from habitat fragmentation to noise pollution to increased animal mortality -- with little or no benefit.


253 pages
6 x 9

"In this book, I relate the pleasures, as well as the virtues and difficulties of a perhaps simpler than average North American life." So begins ecological thinker and writer Stephanie Mills's Epicurean Simplicity, a...

190 pages
5.75 x 8.5
