
Capturing The Value Of Ecosystem Services

In recent years, scientists have begun to focus on the idea that healthy, functioning ecosystems provide essential services to human populations, ranging from water purification to food and medicine to climate regulation. Lacking a healthy...

224 pages
6 x 9

Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect

The Bell Curve, The Moral Animal, The Selfish Gene -- these and a host of other books and articles have made a seemingly overwhelming case that our genes determine our behavior. Now, in a new book that is sure to stir...

576 pages
6.125 x 9.25

Defining A New Era For American Fisheries Management

Fisheries management today is highly contentious. The interests of fishers and fish processors, coastal communities, the government, and environmental organizations are often different and can even be mutually incompatible.

Fishing Grounds...

256 pages
6 x 9
3 illustrations

Making Collaboration Work
Lessons From Innovation In Natural Resource Management

Across the United States, diverse groups are turning away from confrontation and toward collaboration in an attempt to tackle some of our nation's most intractable environmental problems. Government agencies, community groups, businesses, and...

280 pages
6 x 9

Alternatives To Public And Private Ownership

Edited by Charles Geisler and Gail Daneker

Property and Values offers a fresh look at property rights issues, bringing together scholars, attorneys, government officials, community development practitioners, and environmental advocates to consider new and more socially equitable...

336 pages
6 x 9

Conservation Easements Past, Present, and Future

Edited by Julie Ann Gustanski and Roderick Squires; Foreword by Jean Hocker

A conservation easement is a legal agreement between a property owner and a conservation organization, generally a private nonprofit land trust, that restricts the type and amount of development that can be undertaken on that property....

450 pages
6 x 9

The Future of U.S. Ocean Policy
Choices For The New Century

The United States is about to embark on the most thorough reconsideration of its ocean policy in more than three decades. With 1998 designated as the International Year of the Ocean by the United Nations, and with both the executive branch and...

400 pages
6 x 9

How To Avoid Escalating Confrontation Needless Costs And Unnecessary Litigation

When business leaders, government officials, and other stakeholders come to the table in an environmental, health, or safety dispute, acrimony often results, leading to expensive and time-consuming litigation. Not only does this waste precious...

346 pages
7 x 10

Perspectives From Science And Religion

The combined contributions of science and religion to resolving environmental problems are far greater than each could offer working in isolation. Scientific findings are central to understanding the impact of human populations on the environment...

300 pages
6 x 9
