
Designing Sustainable Communities
Learning From Village Homes

Michael Corbett and Judy Corbett; Foreword by Robert L. Thayer

The movement toward creating more sustainable communities has been growing for decades, and in recent years has gained new prominence with the increasing visibility of planning approaches such as the New Urbanism. Yet there are few examples of...

254 pages
6 x 9

The most difficult questions of sustainability are not about technology; they are about values. Answers to such questions cannot be found by asking the "experts," but can only be resolved in the political arena. In The Local Politics of Global...

196 pages
6 x 9

Green Urbanism
Learning From European Cities

As the need to confront unplanned growth increases, planners, policymakers, and citizens are scrambling for practical tools and examples of successful and workable approaches. Growth management initiatives are underway in the U.S. at all levels,...

512 pages
6 x 9

Designing Markets To Allocate Water In California

Brent M. Haddad

The movement to implement market-based approaches to allocating water is gaining ground across California and in other western states. Proponents argue that markets offer an efficient and cost-effective means of promoting conservation -- those...

222 pages
6 x 9

Putting Conservation Into Local Plans And Ordinances

Growing Greener is an illustrated workbook that presents a new look at designing subdivisions while preserving green space and creating open space networks. Randall Arendt explains how to design residential developments that maximize land...

261 pages
11 x 8.5

History, Ecology, and Conservation of the Coast Redwoods

Save-the-Redwoods League; Edited by Reed F. Noss

Evidence is mounting that redwood forests, like many other ecosystems, cannot survive as small, isolated fragments in human-altered landscapes. Such fragments lose their diversity over time and, in the case of redwoods, may even lose the ability...

366 pages
6 x 9

Previously Unpublished Essays And Other Writings

Aldo Leopold; Edited by J. Baird Callicott and Eric T. Freyfogle; Foreword by Scott Russell Sanders

Aldo Leopold's classic work A Sand County Almanac is widely regarded as one of the most influential conservation books of all time. In it, Leopold sets forth an eloquent plea for the development of a "land ethic" -- a belief...

262 pages
5.5 x 8.25

Salmon Without Rivers
A History Of The Pacific Salmon Crisis

"Fundamentally, the salmon's decline has been the consequence of a vision based on flawed assumptions and unchallenged myths.... We assumed we could control the biological productivity of salmon and 'improve' upon natural...

336 pages
6 x 9
8 photos, 14 illustrations

Fish, Markets, and Fishermen
The Economics Of Overfishing

A significant number of the world's ocean fisheries are depleted, and some have collapsed, from overfishing. Although many of the same fishermen who are causing these declines stand to suffer the most from them, they continue to overfish. Why is...

205 pages
6 x 9
