
Natural Hazard Mitigation
Recasting Disaster Policy And Planning

The first half of the 1990s saw the largest and most costly floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes in the history of the United States. While natural hazards cannot be prevented, their human impacts can be greatly reduced through advance action that...

591 pages
6 x 9
37 illustrations

Restoring Life in Running Waters
Better Biological Monitoring

Despite nearly three decades of efforts intended to protect the nation's waters, and some success against certain forms of chemical and organic contamination, many of our nation's waterways continue to be seriously degraded. The call of the 1972...

220 pages
6 x 9

When City and Country Collide
Managing Growth In The Metropolitan Fringe

Strips of urban and suburban "fabric" have extended into the countryside, creating a ragged settlement pattern that blurs the distinction between rural, urban, and suburban. As traditional rural industries like farming, forestry, and mining...

382 pages
6 x 9

A Global Inquiry

Around the world, mass transit is struggling to compete with the private automobile, and in many places, its market share is rapidly eroding. Yet a number of metropolitan areas have in recent decades managed to mount cost-effective and resource-...

480 pages
7 x 10

Travels to Landscapes of Spirit and Desire

Wade Davis has been called "a rare combination of scientist, scholar, poet and passionate defender of all of life's diversity." In Shadows in the Sun, he brings all of those gifts to bear on a fascinating examination of...

304 pages
5.5 x 8.25

Structural Economics
Measuring Change in Technology, Lifestyles, and the Environment

In all societies, the main causes of environmental degradation are resource extraction and the generation of wastes by households and industries. Realistic strategies for mitigating these impacts require an understanding of both the technologies...

235 pages
6 x 9

"When we grasp fully that the best expressions of our humanity were not invented by civilization but by cultures that preceded it, that the natural world is not only a set of constraints but of contexts within which we can more fully realize...

206 pages
6 x 9

Sustainability Strategies for Industry
The Future Of Corporate Practice

Edited by Nigel Roome

Sustainability Strategies for Industry contains essays by members of the Greening of Industry Network that examine the emerging picture of sustainability and its implications for industry and for the relationship between industry and other...

332 pages
6 x 9

Breaking New Ground

Gifford Pinchot

Vigorous, colorful, bold and highly personal, Breaking New Ground is the autobiography of Gifford Pinchot, founder and first chief of the Forest Service. He tells a fascinating tale of his efforts, under President Theodore Roosevelt, to...

542 pages
6 x 9
