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Inclusive Transportation: Celebrating the Diverse Tapestry of America’s Biking Culture

An Island Press webinar

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 12:45pm EDT

The United States is a diverse nation: however, the people responsible for creating our country’s transportation infrastructure have nearly always been White men. How can we confront this history of inequitable transportation and ensure that everyone in America is able to access transit systems and bike lanes? 

As a way to reclaim space on streets traditionally dominated by cars, cyclists of cohesive identities are coming together to ride as one. Many of these groups are grassroots organizations, connecting through word of mouth and social media. Cycling groups allow individuals to build bonds with friends, neighbors, and strangers as they ride together and show that streets don’t only belong to cars. 

In this webinar, transit professionals discussed how our transportation systems are inherently inequitable and what steps we can take to change this reality. Leading the conversation is Veronica Davis as she introduced her new book, Inclusive Transportation: A Manifesto for Repairing Divided Communities. Veronica co-founded Black Women Bike, an organization and movement which builds a community and interest in biking among black women through education, advocacy, and recreation.


Moderator tamika butler is the Founder & Principal, tamika l. butler Consulting, LLC.