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New Mobilities: Smart Planning for Emerging Transportation Technologies

A SPUR and Island Press Webinar

Monday, July 26, 2021 - 12:00pm EDT

New transportation technologies can expand our world by an order of magnitude, but the significant benefits they provide are often counterbalanced by the huge costs that they impose on individuals and communities. The rapid expansion of motorization over the last century created modes — and the urban infrastructure that accommodates them — that favor speed over affordability, efficiency and personal and community well-being. As new transportation innovations become more widely available, from e-scooters to autonomous cars, how do we learn from the past to make decisions that benefit ourselves and our communities? The new book by Todd Litman, New Mobilities: Smart Planning for Emerging Transportation Technologies, critically evaluates 12 developing transportation modes and services that are likely to significantly affect our lives, and provides practical guidance for optimizing them. As we accelerate towards a new mobility revolution, come learn how to make informed decisions about advocating and planning for these innovative ways to move.