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Right of Way: Organizing for equitable, walkable communities

An ioby and Island Press Webinar

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - 1:00pm EDT

Healthy, vibrant communities are often places where you can walk safely to school, the grocery store, or just down the street to a neighbors house. Walkable communities are good for our physical health, but also our neighborhood's health. And yet, pedestrian deaths are up 50% in the last decade, and the stark geographic patterns of traffic violence tell a story about systemic inequality—where immigrants, the poor, and people of color are disproportionately impacted by traffic violence. In this webinar, hear about some of the causes of this public-health crisis, and learn about some of the programs and movements that are beginning to respond. You'll also hear from every day neighbors who stepped up to address pedestrian safety in their communities, and see how you could do it too.


This webinar was conducted in parternship with ioby