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Trains, Buses, People An Opinionated Atlas of US and Canadian Transit

An Eno Center for Transportation Webinar

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 2:00pm EST

January 19, 2022 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET

Christof Spieler has recently released the second edition of his wildly popular book Trains, Buses, People. Christof’s new book now covers eight Canadian cities and two new U.S. cities. His original book was dubbed “a transit wonk’s bible” that has guided “a smarter conversation about urban transit.” Christof discussed the evolving conversation around transit in the past three years since the book originally published. He also briefly covered updates around fare policies, wayfinding, transit governance structures, customer experience, and creating inclusive transit systems that work for all riders.

Christof SpielerPE, LEED APVice President and Director of Planning, Huitt-Zollars, and Senior Lecturer, Rice University
Robert PuentesPresident and CEO, Eno Center for Transportation