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Webinar: An Introduction to the Urban Resilience Project for Planet Forward

Planet Forward and Island Press Collaboration

Friday, November 22, 2019 - 1:00pm EST

This webinar is an introduction to The Urban Resilience Project (URP), a grant funded program of Island Press, is committed to storytelling in the era of climate change. URP's goal is to bring together a diverse group of writers to generate and cross-pollinate ideas that inspire the sustainable, equitable, and resilient cities of the future. The production and publication of original short-form writing (articles, op-eds, blog posts, etc). is the primary way the project shares it's ideas. Laurie Mazur and Kyler Geoffroy lead the program. 

This overview of the URP program should be of value to those interested in going into a journalism field or into any kind of environmental communications. After a brief presentation, Kyler and Laurie will spend the majority of the hour taking questions from the audience. 

During this conversation Kyler and Laurie will: 
-         Give a brief history of the Urban Resilience Project and how this unique program came about
-         Explain their story production and placement process
-         Provide a few key story elements to consider in the writing process (tips and tricks)
-         Go over data points and metrics for their placements, including what's valuable to track 
-         Share valuable resources that you can utilize in your own work 

Kyler is the Online Marketing Manager for Island Press. Before working at Island Press, he served as Managing Editor for the LGBT news publication Towleroad.

Laurie is Urban Resilience Editor at Island Press. She focuses on the intersection of climate adaptation, sustainability and social justice. Laurie is the author/editor of three books; her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Nation, The Los Angeles Times, The Guardian and many other publications

Hannah Dale, Planet Forward's Program Coordinator, will moderate the conversation. She connects students and faculty to educational resources so they can share impactful environmental stories. Hannah's work has expanded the nationwide Consortium network to over 25 schools.