Jason Mark

Jason Mark

Jason Mark's writings on the environment have appeared in The New York Times, TheAtlantic.comThe Nation, and Salon.com, among many other publications. He is the editor in chief of SIERRA magazine, was the longtime editor of Earth Island Journal, a quarterly magazine, and is a co-founder of San Francisco's largest urban farm. Time has called him "a rebel with a cause." For more, visit jasondovemark.com.

Litquake: Braving the Elements

Friday, October 14, 2016 - 7:00pm PDT
Jason Mark, editor of Sierra Magazine, and the author of Satellites in the High Country, and Nathanael Johnson, author of Unseen City:: The Majesty of Pigeons, the Discreet Charm of Snails, and Other Wonders of the Urban Wildernessview nature from different perspectives, but they both tackle the same question – How do we value nature?

Jessica Catto Dialogue with Jason Mark

Tuesday, June 21, 2016 - 6:00pm MDT
Environmental journalist Jason Mark will present a Jessica Catto Dialogue at the Hotel Jerome in Aspen on Tuesday, June 21st. In the free lecture, entitled "Where in the Wild," Jason will discuss whether there is anything remaining that is still really, truly wild in the twenty-first century. He will explore how to hold onto wildness as a touchstone for our relationship with the rest of nature.